Five Major Currency Traded on Forex

Five Major Currencies are:

1. U.S dollar - The United States dollar is the world's main currency – an universal measure to
evaluate any other currency traded on Forex.

2. Euro - Euro was designed to become the premier currency in trading by simply being quoted
in American terms. Like the U.S. dollar, the euro has a strong international presence
stemming from members of the European Monetary Union.

3. Japanese Yen - The Japanese yen is the third most traded currency in the world; it has a
smaller international presence than the U.S. dollar or the euro. The yen is very liquid around
the much world, practically around the clock.

4. British Pound - Until the end of World War II, the pound was the currency of reference.
The currency is heavily traded against the euro and the U.S. dollar, but has a spotty presence
against other currencies.After the introduction of the euro, Bank of England is attempting to
bring the high U.K. rates closer to the lower rates in the euro zone.

5. Swiss Franc - Swiss franc is the only currency of a major European country that belongs is
neither to the European Monetary Union nor to the G-7 countries. Although the Swiss the
economy relatively small, the Swiss franc is one of the four major currencies, closely
resembling strength and quality of the Swiss economy and finance.

To have a well focusing, you have to concentrate on less than 5 currency pairs( preferred the U.S. cross-currency pairs.)

Some traders see forex as a business, and some see it as a fortune. And even some traders think forex is an art. But anyway, its highly recommended to use pivot system in your trading plan or else you are trading blind
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